
迷茫中 · 354次点击 · 2023-04-30

<?php die();?>[{"m":"Comment","a":"index","t":"2023-04-24 19:27:14","ip":"","data":"数据库错误:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1','0','0','0','123123','1637579899','2','0','1','0');select sleep(3);#;' AND t' at line 1SELECT id FROM jz_comment WHERE id = '92464','1','0','0','0','123123','1637579899','2','0','1','0');select sleep(3);#;' AND tid = '1' AND aid = '0' AND pid = '0' AND zid = '0' AND body = '123123' AND addtime = '1682335631' AND userid = 'c' AND likes = '0' AND isshow = '0' AND isread = '0' ORDER BY  id DESC LIMIT 1"}]微信图片_20230430145330.png哪里有漏洞,如何处理,1.95版本

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